Well, what do you know? Suzanne is going mushy on us! As we are honoring our author of the month, Kristen Ashley, we are actually showing you a sweeter side than normal. And hopefully this small taste will be enough to have you ready to dive in to KA’s worlds. Even hoping that your hero uses one of these Kristen Ashley nicknames.

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The Best Kristen Ashley Nicknames
I am like a bowl of chocolate ice cream in the blazing sun when it comes to Kristen Ashley books…I just melt and one of the many endearing things that may me go gooey is the nicknames. Everyone has one, from the simple, oft used babe, honey and sweetheart, to the more unusual, I love the all; however, I am going to show you the 10 that have stuck with me the most;
10. Sweet Pea- Mystery Man (Dream Man #1)
Sweet Pea…not something I would normally find sexy, but it really is…then again Cabe “Hawk” Delgado saying anything is pretty damn sexy, I reckon he could call me Fat Arse and there’s a chance I would swoon at his feet!
“Don’t call me baby when you’re pissed, Sweet Pea.”
“Don’t call me Sweet Pea at all, baby”
MYSTERY MAN by Kristen Ashley
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9. Baby doll – With Everything I Am (The Three #2)
Gimme a werewolf and I am happy. I don’t know what it is about them, maybe it is the wildness that lurks just beneath the surface ready to pounce on you and give you orgasm after orgasm…but I digress, Callum calling Sonia Baby doll…HOT!
“Baby doll, you’re about to be claimed.”
WITH EVERYTHING I AM by Kristen Ashley
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8. Duchess – The Gamble (Colorado Mountain #1)
I just love it, it is a little bit quirky and I haven’t heard it in any other books, and imagining Max saying that in his lovely growly voice just makes me shiver.
“Shut up and kiss me, Duchess.”
THE GAMBLE by Kristen Ashley
“All right, I’ll kiss you.”
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7 & 6. Ace & Captain – Sweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain #2)
I am hitting you with a double whammy with this one! Sweet Dreams is one of my all time favourite Kristen Ashley books, and one of the many reasons I love it is the nicknames. Ace, Lauren’s name, although doesn’t sound too sexy, it is all hers, and when she calls the bad ass Tate Jackson Captain it always makes me smile.
“Love you, Ace,” he murmured and my stomach melted.
SWEET DREAMS by Kristen Ashley
He said it. Right out.
He said it.
“Love you too, Captain.”
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5 & 4. Sunshine & Whiskey – Rock Chick Redemption (Rock Chick #3)
Yeah, I know another double but endearments in this book are awesome, I especially love Roxie calling Hank, Whiskey because of the colour of his eyes it is so damn sweet. And frankly Hank could say anything to me and I would love it!
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3. Daddy – Knight (Unfinished Heroes #1)
I know a lot of people weren’t sure about the whole Daddy thing in Knight, but frack me, I thought it was sexy as hell, when I first read it, my mouth went dry and other areas…didn’t! As such it definitely deserves to be in the top 3 of my favourite Kristen Ashley nicknames.
“Roll to your back, you know how I like it. Offer that pussy to me. Daddy’s gonna lick you clean.”
KNIGHT by Kristen Ashley
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2. Red -Motorcycle Man (Dream Man #4)
You have probably heard “Red” used many times, but that hasn’t been when Kane “Tack” Allen has been saying it. And even better how possessive he is about it, to everyone else she is Cherry or Tyra, to Tack she is Red.
“You know,” I started, “it’s annoying when you grin all know-it-all.”
MOTORCYCLE MAN by Kristen Ashley
“This isn’t my know-it-all grin, Red. This is my I’m gonna get me some later grin.”
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1. Babe/Sweetheart/Darlin’ etc – In every book Kristen Ashley has written!
I may be cheating a little with my top spot but you have got to love the classics and in every book Kristen’s delicious hero will call his woman Babe, Sweetheart etc at least once or twice and every time I read it my heart melts as I long for my very own alpha male to sweep me off my feet and find his own delicious nickname for me.
Now it’s your turn. Do you have a favorite nickname from a Kristen Ashley book? If you haven’t read one of her books before, then you’ll want to check out our complete guide on where to start reading Kristen Ashley. You’ll learn all about books in order, interconnected series, where to start and who are our favorites!
Read more
- A Beginner’s Guide to Reading Kristen Ashley
- Check out all our Kristen Ashley book reviews
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